DETOXIFICATION AND REGENERATION THROUGH DIET Изюм, оцени статью если что, потом можно и перевести. А пока желающие могут полюбоваться фотографиями качка-фрукторианца.
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ФРЭШ ты хоть сама этот сайт открывала ?какая-то ссыла не рабочая .
Не знаю, почему она у тебя не рабочая. У меня все прекрасно открывается.
ОК, выкладываю здесь только статью, правда, получается довольно длинной. Жаль, что не можешь просмотреть сайт полностью. DETOXIFICATION AND REGENERATION THROUGH DIET By - Ede Koenig, Ph.D.,N.M.D. (F.A.C.N.) The greatest misunderstanding and confusion in the field of nutrition is the failure to properly understand and interpret the symptoms and the changes which follow the implementation of a natural diet. The highest quality of foods are the natural, raw foods, All the enzymes are found intact. The amino acids are in their finest form. The minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, trace minerals, and life force are present. The life force, in turn, is capable of reproducing HEALTHY TISSUE. WHEN THE QUALITY OF FOOD COMING INTO THE BODY IS OF HIGHER QUALITY THAN THE TISSUES WHICH THE BODY IS MADE OF, THE BODY BEGINS TO DISCARD THE LOWER GRADE MATERIALS AND TISSUES TO MAKE ROOM FOR THE SUPERIOR MATERIALS WHICH IT USES TO MAKE NEW AND HEALTHIER TISSUE. This is the plan of Nature. The body is very selective and always will be unless our interference is too great. Only then do we fail to recover and degenerate further into disease. The self curing nature of many conditions such as colds, fevers, cuts, swellings, injuries, pain, etc. furnishes endless examples of how the body tends toward health always unless we do something to stop the process. WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OR SIGNS WHICH BECOME EVIDENT WHEN WE FIRST BEGIN TO OMIT THE LOWER GRADE FOODS AND INSTEAD INTRODUCE SUPERIOR FOODS those which are more alive, more natural than we are accustomed to? When the use of the toxic stimulant such as coffee, tea, chocolate, or cocoa is suddenly stopped, HEADACHES ARE COMMON and a letdown occurs. This is due to the discarding by the body of the toxins caffeine and theobromide which are removed from the tissues and transported through the bloodstream during its many bodily rounds. Before the noxious agents reach their final destination for elimination, these irritants register in our consciousness as pain in other words, headache. The let down is due to the slower action of the heart the resting place which follows the stimulation of more rapid heart action forced upon the body by certain poisons called stimulants (that can be in the form of drug medications). The more RAPID HEARTBEAT (or pulse) PRODUCES A FEELING OF EXHILARATION, and the SLOWER action PRODUCES A DEPRESSED STATE OF MIND. USUALLY WITHIN THREE DAYS THE SYMPTOMS VANISH AND WE FEEL STRONGER due to the recuperation which follows. To a lesser extent, THE SAME PROCESS OCCURS WHEN WE ABANDON LOWER QUALITY FOODS and replace them with better foods. Lower quality foods have undergone more preparation: spices, salt, and other ingredients have been added, which then tend to be more stimulating that less prepared and more natural foods. Animal foods and products, such as meat, fowl, fish, cheese, milk, eggs, etc., are more stimulating than seeds, nuts, grains, and vegetable proteins. Consequently, the withdrawal of stimulation which follows the ABANDONMENT OF ANIMAL FOODS PRODUCES A SLOWER HEART ACTION A RESTING PLACE WHICH REGISTERS IN THE MIND AS RELAXATION OR A DECREASE IN ENERGY. THIS INITIAL LETDOWN LASTS ABOUT TEN DAYS OR SLIGHTLY LONGER AND IS FOLLOWED BY AN INCREASE OF STRENGTH, A FEELING OF DIMIniSHING STRESS, AND GREATER WELL BEING. Now let us return to the symptoms which occur in the process of regeneration. The PERSON WHO STARTS A BETTER DIET, STAYS ON IT FOR THREE DAYS TO A WEEK AND THEN QUITS, WILL SAY, OH! I FEEL BETTER ON THE OLD DIET THE NEW ONE MADE ME FEEL WEAK. HE FAILED BECAUSE HE DID NOT GIVE HIS BODY A CHANCE TO ADJUST and complete its first phase of action: recuperation. If he had waited a while longer, he would have begun to feel better than before he started. DURING THIS INITIAL PHASE (LASTING ABOUT TEN DAYS ON THE AVERAGE TO SEVERAL WEEKS IN OTHERS) THE VITAL ENERGIES which are usually in the periphery or external part of the body, such as the muscles and skin, begin to move to the vital organs and start reconstruction. This shunting of much of the power to the internal organs produces a FEELING OF LESS ENERGY IN THE MUSCLES, WHICH THE MIND INTERPRETS AS SOME WEAKNESS. Actually, the power is increased, but most of it is being used for rebuilding the mire important organs and less of it is available for muscular work. Any weakness which is felt here is not true weakness, but merely a redeploying of forces to the more important internal parts. HERE IT IS IMPORTANT FOR THE PERSON TO STOP WASTING ENERGY, AND TO REST AND SLEEP MORE. THIS IS A CRUCIAL PHASE, and if the person resorts to stimulants of any kind, he will abort and defeat the regenerative intent of the body. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT HE HAVE THE PATIENCE AND FAITH TO JUST WAIT IT OUT, and after a while he will get increasing strength which will exceed by far what he felt before he began the new program. SUCCESS IN THE RECOVERY OR IMPROVEMENT OF HEALTH HINGES UPON THE CORRECT UNDERSTANDING OF THE POINT REALIZING THAT THE BODY IS USING ITS MAIN ENERGIES IN MORE IMPORTANT INTERNAL WORK AND NOT WASTING IT IS EXTERNAL WORK INVOLVING MUSCLE MOVEMENTS. BE WISE TAKE IT EASY HERE AND RELAX. Just coast in your work and social obligations until you are out of the woods. As one continues on the improved diet and gradually raises the food quality, interesting symptoms begin to occur. The BODY BEGINS A PROCESS CALLED RETRACTING. The cellular intelligence reasons something like this: OH, LOOK AT ALL THIS FINE MATERIAL COMING IN. HOW WONDERFUL; NOW WE HAVE A CHANCE TO GET RID OF THIS OLD GARBAGE AND BUILD A BEAUTIFUL NEW HOUSE. LETS GET STARTED IMMEDIATELY. LETS GET THIS EXCESS BILE OUT OF THE LIVER AND GALLBLADDER AND SEND IT TO THE INTESTINES FOR ELIMINATION. LETS GET THIS SLUDGE MOVING OUT OF THE ARTERIES, VEINS, AND CAPILLARIES. THESE SMELLY, GASSY, BRAIN STUPEFYING MASSES HAVE BEEN HERE TOO LONG. OUT WITH THEM! THESE ARTHRITIC DEPOSITS IN THE JOINTS NEED CLEANING UP. LETS GET THESE IRRITATING FOOD PRESERVATIVES, SLEEPING PILLS, ASPIRINS, AND DRUGS OUT OF THE WAY, ALONG WITH THESE OTHER MASSES OF FAT WHICH HAVE MADE LIFE SO BURDENSOME FOR US FOR SO LONG. LETS GET GOING AND KEEP GOING UNTIL THE JOB IS DONE UNTIL WE HAVE A BEAUTIFUL HOUSE AND FROM THEN ON WELL KEEP IT A BEAUTIFUL, IDEAL MODEL HOUSE. During the first phase (called catabolism), the accent is elimination, or a breaking down, of tissue. The body begins to clean house in short, to remove the garbage deposited in all the tissues everywhere. During this period, the body removes the ashes from the furnace preparatory to getting a better fire,. Here the accentuation is on the removal of the gross and immediate body obstructions. Wastes are discarded more rapidly than new tissue is made from the new food. This becomes evident as weight loss. This persists for a while and is then followed by the second phase: stabilization. Here the weight remains more or less stable. During this phase the amount of waste material being discarded daily is equal to the amount of tissue which is being formed and replaced by the newer, more vital food. This occurs after the excess of obstructing material in the tissue has been removed. This stage persists for a while and is then followed by a third phase a build-up period (called anabolism), wherein weight starts to go up, even though the diet is lower in calories than it was before. At this point, much or more of the interfering wastes have already been discarded; the tissues which have formed since the diet was raised in quality are more durable and do not break down easily. Also, new tissues are now being formed faster. This is due to the improved assimilation made possible by the ceasing of wrong food combining., The bodys need for the usual amounts of food decreases, and we are able to maintain our weight and increased energies with less food. Many are able to function very efficiently on two meals a day and eventually even on one meal a day. As the body progressively increases in efficiency and decreases in tissue breakdown under exercise so do we gradually need less and less food to maintain life. The higher the percentage of raw foods one lives on, the slower the rate of tissue deterioration which one evolves into. A sick body requires a gradual, carefully worked out entry into this stage where one is able to live on a 100%, unfired raw diet. Returning to the symptoms which occur on a superior nutritional program, people who have bad tendencies in the past to recurring skin rashes or eruptions will frequently tend to eliminate poisons and harmful drugs through the skin with new rashes or eruptions. If they go to the doctor who in unfamiliar with the aspect of nutrition, he will diagnose it as an allergy. They ask, How come? Im eating better now than I ever did before, and instead Im getting worse. They dont understand that the body is retracting. The skin is becoming more alive and active. Its throwing out more poisons more rapidly now that the body is building more power, which is saved from those hard to digest meals which have been discontinued. These toxins being discarded are saving you from more serious disease, which will result if you keep them in your body too much longer possibly hepatitis, kidney disorders, blood disease, heart disease, arthritis, nerve degeneration, or even cancer depending on your heredity or structural weaknesses. BE HAPPY YOURE PAYING YOUR BILLS NOW IN AN EASY PAYMENT PLAN. WITH SOME, COLDS WHICH HAVENT APPEARED FOR A LONG TIME MAY OCCUR, OR EVEN FEVERS. THIS IS NATURES WAY OF HOUSE CLEANING. UNDERSTAND THAT THESE ACTIONS ARE CONSTRUCTIVE, EVEN THOUGH UNPLEASANT AT THE MOMENT. DONT TRY TO STOP THESE SYMPTOMS BY THE USE OF CERTAIN DRUGS, OR EVEN MASSIVE DOES OF VITAMINS, WHICH WILL ACT AS DRUGS IN HUGE CONCENTRATIONS. THESE SYMPTOMS ARE PART OF A CURING PROCESS, SO DONT TRY TO CURE A CURE. These are not deficiency conditions or allergic manifestations, not if youre eating properly in quality, quantify, combination, and sequence. This is where experienced advice is of great value. Unfortunately, there are few books present today which give good guidance to the average reader. Try to find guidance through a doctor or teacher who has the requisite experience in this most confusing of all subjects: nutrition in relation to health and disease. You may be eating perfectly in regard to quantity, quality, and observing all the correct rules, and still symptoms will occur. THOSE WHO HAVE LIVED BETTER LIVES IN THE PAST, WHO HAVE EATEN BETTER FOODS AND WHO HAVE ABUSED THEIR BODIES LESS WITH OVEREATING, WILL HAVE REACTIONS RANGING FROM ALMOST NONE AT ALL OR VERY MILD TO SYMPTOMS WHICH MAY BE UNCOMFORTABLE OR ACUTE. THOSE WHO HAVE LIVED WORSE LIVES AND POISONED THEMSELVES MORE WILL EXPERIENCE MORE SEVERE SYMPTOMS IF THEIR LIVER, KIDNEYS, OR OTHER IMPORTANT ELIMINATING ORGANS HAVE BEEN DAMAGED. WHEN THEY HAVE BEEN RENOVATED TO THE POINT OF FAIR WORKING ORDER, THEY WILL NO LONGER PRODUCE SYMPTOMS. HEADACHES MAY OCCUR AT THE BEGINNING; FEVER AND/COLDS ALSO MAY APPEAR; THE SKIN MAY BREAK OUT; THERE MAY BE A SHORT INTERVAL OF BOWEL SLUGGISHNESS, OCCASIONAL DIARRHEA, FEELINGS OF TIREDNESS AND WEAKNESS, DISINCLINATION TO EXERCISE, NERVOUSNESS, IRRITABILITY, NEGATIVITY OR MENTAL DEPRESSION, FREQUENT URINATION, ETC. However, the great majority of people find their reactions tolerable and are encouraged to bear with them because of the many improvements which already occurred and are becoming more evident with each day. This acts as an inspirational force to them. The symptoms will vary according to the material being discarded, the condition of the organs involved in the elimination, and the amount of energy you have available. The more you rest and sleep when the symptoms are present, the milder they are and the more quickly they are terminated. BE HAPPY YOU ARE HAVING SYMPTOMS. REALIZE DEEPLY THAT YOUR BODY IS BECOMING YOUNGER AND HEALTHIER EVERY DAY BECAUSE YOU ARE THROWING OFF MORE AND MORE WASTES WHICH WOULD EVENTUALLY HAVE BROUGHT PAIN, DISEASE, AND MUCH SUFFERING. Those who have the worst symptoms reactions and follow through to their successful termination are thus avoiding some of the worst diseases which would eventually have developed had they continued the careless eating habits. Dont expect to go on an ascending scale of quality; that improving your diet will make you far better and better each day until you reach perfection. The body is cyclical in nature (on a circadian rhythm), and health returns in a series of gradually diminishing cycles. For example, you start a better diet and for a while you feel much better. After some time, a symptom occurs; you may feel nauseous for a day and have diarrhea with a foul smelling stool. After a day, you feel even better and all goes find for a while. Then you suddenly develop a cold or chills, and lose your appetite. After about two or three days (assuming you dont take drugs or do anything else about it), you suddenly recover and feel better than you did for years. Let us say this well being continues for two months, when you suddenly develop an itch or rash. You still dont take anything for it. This rash flares up, gets worse, and continues for ten days, and suddenly subsides. Immediately after this you find that your hepatitis is gone and your energy has increased more than ever before. The rash became an outlet for the poisons in the liver which produced the hepatitis. This is how recovery occurs like the cycles in the Dow Jones Average at the beginning of a bull market. You feel better, a reaction occurs, and you dont feel as well for a short time. You recover and go higher for a while. Then another reaction occurs, milder than the last. You recover and go even higher. And so it goes. Each reaction milder than the first as the body becomes purer, each becoming shorter in duration and being followed by a longer and longer period of felling better than ever before, until you reach a level plateau of radiant health. The first laws we must learn to obey are the laws of Nature. WE MUST LEARN TO EAT SIMPLE, PURE AND NATURAL FOODS, PROPERLY PREPARED AND COMBINED, AND OUR BODIES IN RETURN WILL CAST OFF ALL THE EVIL WE HAVE TAKEN IN DURING OUR LIVES. Nowhere is the principle of forgiveness of sins more manifest that herein our own bodies when we forsake our evil and destructive ways of eating (the defiling of the temple of the soul). God (or Nature, if you please) gives us a whole new chance for a new glorious life. All repentance must begin here in the body through a purer diet and natural foods, Then, just have faith, sit back and watch what happens. Before you own eyes, you will daily see signs that will cause you to wonder at this vast intelligence in operation that staggers the comprehension,. The mysteries of the body, the operations of Nature, the vital forces working in Nature, are far beyond what our mind are prepared to understand at present.
Making the transition Fruitarianism (a diet consisting of mostly if not all fruits) is not something to mess with...fruits are very cleansing and will give you a hard ride interms of detox symptoms, due to the cleansing nature of fruits your detox symptom will be real intense so its important to research and get prepared so you dont go off at the deep end. I wouldnt recommend anyone to Fruitarianism unless they have had experiance in strict 100% Raw Veganism for at least 3-7 years or if they are naturally drawn to the lifestyle are fully aware of what to expect because they have fully researched detoxification and Fruitarianism. Ive seen too many people get overwhelmed by jumping into Fruitarianism because they fell in love with the concept only to quit when the going got tough...or proceed to bash the lifestyle because they confused their detox symptoms with illness. My advice would be to stick with heavier raw foods and master going 100% before even thinking about going fruitarian....I was naturally drawn to fruitarianism and I got my butt kicked real hard when I first started and I had ample chance to say that Fruitarianism didnt work for me or that I got sick but I kept on and weathered the storm but it took many, many years of adjustment! Another piece of advice would be to quit asking strangers what you should and should not eat....learn for yourself what works for you and what doesnt, eat whatever rawfoods you like to begining with then as the years go by let your body guide you from there. Your Fruitarianism Fruitarianism is personal to each individual, take me for example, I know for a fact that Im very much a purist, in my opinion theres no such thing as a true fruitarian but the general rule of thumb is that Fruitarians are stricter Raw Vegans. Some people will stretch the definition so they dont have to give up certain foods or to make themselves look godly but the idea is that fruits are the true foods designed for humans to eat and that is usually the main reason to go fruitarian to eat what is natural to the body, plus its good for the plant because its not being killed and its having its seeds spread all over. Fruitarianism is like the black sheep of the family of diets/lifestyles and its surrounded by fear and skepticism because theres no 200 hundred year old pioneer leader showing the way, plus peolpe tend to not like it because a lot of fruitarians act holyier than thou, the truth is that fruitarianism is extremely hard in the beginning and a lot of people want to do it but dont get past the initial stages but if you can get through the storm you will discover that your life has been like the movie the Matrix you realise that everything you thought you knew was a lie! Fruitarianism has nothing to do with ethics, the ethics bit is something people throw in for their own reasons, Fruitarianism is really about getting back to nature. Living the fruitarian lifestyle means your always going to come up against opposition from all corners! simply because you are challenging peoples boundries and comfort zones, dont let people get you off your path, if you come off the path let it be your desicion and yours only. I know for a fact that Fruitarianism needs its own voice as it is generally not a socially accepted part of the raw vegan community, if you spend any amount of time on raw food forums or tell anyone your a Fruitarian you will soon find this out, I think this is because the main difference between raw vegans and fruitarians is mental attitude and awareness, Ive tried to be as one with raw vegans and blend in but I always end up standing as a lone individual among the crowd, Ive also seen this happen to other fruitarians too. Another personal belief I have is that fruit is not the be all and end all of life I believe that cleansiness is/was the key of life! and in ancient times we didnt need fruit to clean us because we were already clean, fruit is a product of ancient times but we are not and I believe that as far as eating fruits is concerned our bodies are out of sync due to being blocked up with waste and fats from years of eating cooked foods, Theres a big misconception that all fruitarians just eat sweet fruits, this is far from the case among the fruitarians I know, I think the ones that do just eat sweet fruits are the ones that complain about their teeth rotting and get all the wrong attention for getting sick, I personaly do not eat enough fruits let alone sweet fruits to rot my teeth, I think these people are still feeding their addiction to sweetness by using sweet fruits to replace the sweet junk food, etc, that they previously had, I did exactly the same thing when I first started, thats why I failed miserably in the begining, theres so much more to Fruitarianism than a lot of peple care to know and its a crying shame that people dont take the time to see this. The more I look into Fruitarianism the more I m convinced that fruits were designed to attract us and other animals for the sole purpose of spreading its seeds and that we lived off of fresh air and the energy of the sun and ate fruits in small amounts not the vast quantities we do today! I also believe that back in the days we were foragers and we ate what ever we could find such as raw nuts in their natural state,etc. I dont believe that we lived off of just fresh air because the animals eat solids and they are more natural than we are. Fruitarianism is not a choice its a destination, its a natural progression from a Raw Vegan lifestyle it should never be put on a pedestal. When you embark on a Fruitarian lifestyle you must also get past the mystery, myths and sensationalism that surround it, yes becoming a Fruitarian is sheer bliss, it re-educates you and your body, brings it back to nature, teaches you that we are the students and nature is the teacher, its beauty is in its simplicity and honesty but the journey to this point demands commitment, there are many things to keep in mind, one of them is that nothing in this world is pure anymore. The Fruitarian lifestyle can be as simple as picking up a piece of fruit and eating it, thats the easy bit, the hardest part about all of this is actually how you kick your cooked food addiction and the emotional purge that follows, this is commonly known as the transition/detoxification period, the severity of Your Transition/detoxification depends on the level of abuse you and your parents subjected themselves to while eating cooked food. Theres many stages/cycles that you will go through on your detoxification journey but the trick is to keep on pushing through. Fruitarian Fitness From the very day I shared my Fruitarian discovery I had to put up with the million dollar question....can you build muscle just by eating fruits? Well Ive learnt that Its all well and good debating and making up these hyperthetical questions but at the end of the day Its all down to the individuals attitude and ability. How do I gain muscle on a Fruitarian diet? I do it by having the mental strength and ability to push myself past my limits every single workout and watching my body adapt itself to the work load, the bodies a wonderful thing.
если бы был такой форум, где нажав на кнопочку, вся абсолютно информация программным путём переводилась на выбранный язык, то с подобными людьми можно было бы общаться,)
если бы был такой форум, где нажав на кнопочку, вся абсолютно информация программным путём переводилась на выбранный язык, то с подобными людьми можно было бы общаться,) Может Изюм со временем создаст такую кнопочку на своем форуме, и тогда весь мир будет у ног этого сайта .
ЦитироватьTheres a big misconception that all fruitarians just eat sweet fruits, this is far from the case among the fruitarians I know, I think the ones that do just eat sweet fruits are the ones that complain about their teeth rotting and get all the wrong attention for getting sick, I personaly do not eat enough fruits let alone sweet fruits to rot my teeth, I think these people are still feeding their addiction to sweetness by using sweet fruits to replace the sweet junk food, etc, that they previously had, I did exactly the same thing when I first started, thats why I failed miserably in the begining, theres so much more to Fruitarianism than a lot of peple care to know and its a crying shame that people dont take the time to see this большое заблуждение, что фрутарианцы только едят сладкие фрукты,это далеко не так среди тех фрутерианцев которых я знаю.Я думаю те кто едят только сладкие фрукты,именно они и жалуются насчет гнилых зубов,и превликают к себе все внимание тем что становятся больными.Я лично не ем достаточно сладких фруктов чтоб не портить зубы.Я думаю те люди все еще едят сладкие фрукты чтоб заменить ими те сладости котрые они ели раньше ,у меня было тоже самое когда я только начинал поэтому я так обломился в начале,фрутарианство это намного шире чем люди себе могут представить,и это ужасно стдыно что люди не хотят понять это. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ЧТО ЗА ФАКИН ЧУШЬ ГНИЮЩИЕ ЗУБЫ ОТ СЛАДКИХ ФРTУКТОВ!!!!!Скорей всего этот пендос просто ................... и какой смысл переводить хотя первая часть статьи очень понравилась за исключением вот этого предложения Цитировать The first laws we must learn to obey are the laws of Nature. WE MUST LEARN TO EAT SIMPLE, PURE AND NATURAL FOODS, PROPERLY PREPARED AND COMBINED, AND OUR BODIES IN RETURN WILL CAST OFF ALL THE EVIL WE HAVE TAKEN IN DURING OUR LIVES. Nowhere is the principle of forgiveness of sins more manifest that herein our own bodies when we forsake our evil and destructive ways of eating (the defiling of the temple of the soul). Первые правила которым мы дожны научится и соблюдать это правила Природы. МЫ ДОЛЖНЫ НУЧИТСЯ ЕСТЬ ПРОСТУЮ,ЧИСТУЮ И НАТУРАЛЬНУЮ ПИЩУ, ПРАВИЛЬНО ПРИГОТОВЛЕННУЮ И СМЕШАННУЮ,И НАШЕ ТЕЛО В ОТВЕТ СБРОСИТ ВСЕ ТО НЕЧИСТОЕ ЧТО МЫ НАКОПИЛИ ЗА НАШУ ЖИЗНЬ.Нигде принцип прощения грехов более не выражен чем в нашем теле когда мы покидаем те грязные и разрушительные виды питания(разлогающие храм души)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ЧТО ЭТО ЗА ПРАВИЛЬНОЕ ПРИГОТОВЛЕНИЕ И СМЕШЕНИЕ А!!!!???!!?!?! Вот блин у этих пендосов вобще толи лыжи не едут то ли...... Короче вот так и большинство статей -как хош так и понимай ,хотя много чего дельного,а вот такие резюме в конце статьи перечеркивают все!
Google уже почти все сделал На всякие случай, вдруг это не у всех показывается в результатах поиска, у меня есть надпись [ Новинка! Перевести эту страницу ]
Google уже почти все сделал На всякие случай, вдруг это не у всех показывается в результатах поиска, у меня есть надпись [ Новинка! Перевести эту страницу ] да уж ну и переводик !АРИНА РАДИОНОВНА вы хоть сами поняли чтонибудь из подобного перевода??
КОРОЧЕ ЕЩЕ ОДИН БИЗНЕСЬМЕН ОТ СЫРОЕДНИЯ.блин деньги портят любую идею. Я про этого автора ВЕРОЯТНО ТОЛЬКО ЕМУ ИЗВЕСТЕН ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ СПОСОБ ПРИГОТОВЛЕНИЯ И СМЕШЕНИЯ.Который вы любезно узнаете купив его книжечки.
короче ФРЭШ я перелопатил уйму вегетариносыроедной англоязычной информации в инете(америконского происхождения восновном )и понял ,что лучше в применении к данному случаю ангийского и не знать чтоб не читать всей той ерунды коммерческой которая ничего общего с простым сыромоноедением не имеет.Но ты ищи может найдешь.
Google уже почти все сделал На всякие случай, вдруг это не у всех показывается в результатах поиска, у меня есть надпись [ Новинка! Перевести эту страницу ] да уж ну и переводик !АРИНА РАДИОНОВНА вы хоть сами поняли чтонибудь из подобного перевода?? Изюм, так это же автоматический перевод, я и написала, что перевод не очень. Мне собственно говоря он и не был нужен, просто народ тут заговорил о переводе страниц, я и вспомнила, что мне Гугл недавно стал показывать такие штуки.
дак еслиб изобрели действительно настоящий автоматический переводчик то сотни тысяч людей бы потеряло работу,но пока что ничем не заменить человеческий котелок в этом деле ,а машинный перевод-это просто....сами видете что и сущесвует эта замануха на гугле только чтоб рекламмы тебе на монитор был повод прицепить
короче ФРЭШ я перелопатил уйму вегетариносыроедной англоязычной информации в инете(америконского происхождения восновном )и понял ,что лучше в применении к данному случаю ангийского и не знать чтоб не читать всей той ерунды коммерческой которая ничего общего с простым сыромоноедением не имеет.Но ты ищи может найдешь. Когда народ из своего сыроедения начинает делать средство заработка, ест-но они не могут писать, что все очень просто. На Гугле рекламы пожалуй меньше чем на Яндексе, а результаты поиска меня очень даже устраивают. Изюм, а ты что предпочитаешь для поиска?
Цитировать Re: О переходе на сыроедение « Ответ #14 : Сегодня в 14:02:26 » -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Изюм, не торопись с выводами. Первая статья, которуя я выложила, не его, но находится на его сайте. По-моему, вполне толковая. Вторая часть - его опыт. По поводу prepared - это еще не значит, что приготовленная на огне. Можно один фрукт или овощ порезать на кусочки или сделать из него пюре, и он будет prepared. Что касается combined, согласна, с идеей монотрофии не согласуется. По поводу последствий после употребления только сладких фруктов, не знаю, личного опыта маловато, чтобы делать такие выводы. Поживем-увидим. Так вот ФРЭШ когда ты поживешь года 3-4 и рацион у тебя 70%-80% состоять из самых сладких фруктов ,да еще зубы все эти годы не будешь чистить вообще никакими пастами ,а через эти самые 3-4 года они у тебя станут только белее и ни намека на какето гниение -кариес или еще что ,вот тогда ты скажешь тоже самое по поводу подобных мнений
ФРЭШ читай внимательней! ГУГЛ упоминался мной в контексте его автопереводчика ,а не как поисковик.
Так вот ФРЭШ когда ты поживешь года 3-4 и рацион у тебя 70%-80% состоять из самых сладких фруктщов ,да еще зубы все эти годы не будешь чистить вообще никакими пастами ,а через эти самые 3-4 года они у тебя станут только белее и ни намека на какето гниение кариес или еще что ,вот тогда ты скажешь тоже самое по поводу подобных мнений Изюмчик, твои слова да Богу в уши !
ЦитироватьТак вот ФРЭШ когда ты поживешь года 3-4 и рацион у тебя 70%-80% состоять из самых сладких фруктов ,да еще зубы все эти годы не будешь чистить вообще никакими пастами ,а через эти самые 3-4 года они у тебя станут только белее и ни намека на какето гниение -кариес или еще что ,вот тогда ты скажешь тоже самое по поводу подобных мнений я именно свой личный опыт и имел в виду. А ведь этот моральный урод-бизнессмен сам пропагандируя фрукты сам же такую немыслемую ложь про них говорит -КАК ЭТО МОЖНО ПОНЯТЬ ?!?!!?.В ДАННОМ СЛУЧАЕ ПО ЛЖИВОСТИ ТОНЯ ЗАВСТА ОТДЫХАЕТ! ВЕДЬ ФРУКТЫ ВСЕ СЛАДКИЕ А УЖ ВИНОГРАД КАКОЙ СЛАДКИЙ ,А УЖ СКОЛЬКО ЕГО Я ПЕРЕЕЛ МЕСЯЦАМИ ТОЛЬКО НА НЕМ ОДНОМ И СИДЕЛ .Уж если верить этому парню то я беззубый должен ходить.
ФРЭШ читай внимательней! ГУГЛ упоминался мной в контексте его автопереводчика ,а не как поисковик. Изюм, это я ГУГЛ защищаю . Нет там никакой рекламы при переводе... извини, нашла, рекламу... оказывается не на всех страницах показывается
А насчет сайта Изюм ты прав, сплошные противоречия.
А насчет сайта Изюм ты прав, сплошные противоречия. Дак ведь именно противоречия и есть ключ к бесконечному бизнессуспеху,так понять толком чтоли-бо трудно поэтому писать можно бесконца и замороченный читатель будет все это хаватьи ждать с нетерпением новых поступлений.
А насчет сайта Изюм ты прав, сплошные противоречия. Дак ведь именно противоречия и есть ключ к бесконечному бизнессуспеху,так понять толком чтоли-бо трудно поэтому писать можно бесконца и замороченный читатель будет все это хаватьи ждать с нетерпением новых поступлений. Некоторые не хотят разморачиваться, за примерами и ходить далеко не надо.